oranje - recent posts from my current home

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Drink and Draw @brillobox

New Pictures from the last session! Our models were Brian Czarniecki and Christinae D. It was kind of a Goth nite...

Here's Lucky LeRoy's drawing...

And of course, Merge Divide's infamous phone book sketches...

Check Drink and Draw's MySite for more information or sign up for updates.

Our next model is...


on December 12, 6-9PM

Drinkies and drawing, what are you gonna do? Stay home and watch Law and Order re-runs?


Tracy Helgeson said...

These drawing sessions sound like so much-I am just crying here because I miss those things so much.

Way too stuffy here to set up anything like that.

Susan Constanse said...

Hey there Tracy,

Yeah, these particular sessions are a blast. Maybe when you come to Pittsburgh...

Tracy Helgeson said...

Oooh, that's a great idea. When it gets closer I'll get the info from you and try to schedule my trip accordingly!

Anonymous said...

I'm Sandra,
from Uzbekistan,
and I'm 21 y.o

Hi, Everyone
I've studied English sinse this Winter .
It's very difficult for Me! Really hard!
I would like like to meet peple and practisice My English with them.


Merge Divide said...

OOh La la Sandra. You should have no problem with that kind of attitude.