oranje - recent posts from my current home

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Ready set go...

One of the most hotly contested Senate seats in the imminent November election is in Pennsylvania. The contenders? Santorum and Casey. As the election comes closer, stranger stories are surfacing in the press.

I followed this link from the Huffington Post yesterday. I couldn't resist the writer's invitation to further educate myself and ran a search to find out what santorum is. Wikipedia is a wonderful resource, isn't it? (Warning: not for the weak of stomach)

The Post-Gazette and KDKA sponsored a debate between the candidates yesterday. There is considerable coverage on the KDKA site. The Post-Gazette has a story posted, but they don't stay linked for long. If you want to check it out, please note that even with DSL, the P-G site takes a while to load.

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